Please join us in congratulating Koa Haynes for winning the Shorecliffs Beach Club “Employee of the Month” Award for October 2021. This is quite an accomplishment as Koa has only been a staff member for two short months! The decision was unanimous as he is highly motivated, incredibly driven, and a true workhorse!
Get to know Koa:
-Koa is a sophomore at San Clemente High School and his favorite subject is Sign Language. -He is on the highly competitive SCHS frosh/soph volleyball team and loves the sport. -Koa’s future goal is to become a graphic designer and work for a game company like Microsoft. -His hobbies include sketching and painting characters from shows, playing volleyball and hitting the waves at Poche. He has been a local beach club grom since he was born! -Koa enjoys working at the beach club because, “it’s the beach and who wouldn’t want to work at the beach?!” He really likes all the people and all the band nights. -He also enjoys working with his fellow co-workers because, “they are all unique people with different personalities. The people and environment make working fun.”
Way to go, Koa!